Cloud Accounting
Hosted on
20. End of Slide *upl off****20****20*******
The moving picture on the left, explaines a typical scenario : An authorized customer is placing an order using the
e-commerce features available on the WebSBA Cloud server. Simultaneously, another prospective
customer is reviewing product offerings or the status on previous order. The business
manager, with full control of the accounting modules, is releasing a customer’s
order and possibly acquiring any needed components from a vendor. The Business Accountat produces the needed Financial reorts |
| |
Unlike many standard accounting packages, this package included a Production function that provides for the users to produce a new
product by using a process to change the function of an existing product or combine products
( based on a Bill of Material(in manufacturing to assemble a different manufactured product)
or based on a Recipe (in the Food Production Industry to prepair specific dish. )
Visitors can subscribe to this "U Do It Service" and need to only have a PC with access to the Internet
to use the Application on line.
Each subscriber is provided with User ID and Password to Upload Download and Maintain
their own "Access" DataBase in their own environment off line.
If you have the required Technology Assets, you can purchase the WebSBA® App to douplicate this environment.
If you lack Technology Assets, you can host your Domain / website, as we do, on this Environment
or another available in-office windows WebServer Multi-Domain hosting environment with seamless
integration to WebSBA® as on this
Multi-Domain Hosting WebServer environment.
If you have an account on this Server enter you ID: and Password in the Input Fields
bellow and click on the red "Log in" to enter the WebSBA.com Application.
WebSBM.com - Web-based accounting, Inventory, production and e-commerce
WebSBA Logo
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See WebSBA in action!
Several demonstration web sites have been created to show how WebSBA can integrate
your accounting, production, and e-commerce needs. More...
Contact Us
415-A N. Central Ave.
Upland, CA 91786
(909) 981-9535
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Web-based Accounting, Production and e-Commerce... The Total Solution
WebSBA.com was developed by small business as a tool to improve marketing, operational, and accounting effectiveness.
It is now offered as a service to other small businesses with similar
goals. It requires no
large investments (no equipment or programs to purchase and maintain). Any business can subscribe to the service and match the well-touted features offered by larger companies, at a
fraction of the cost
Account for everything on the
Web or purchase the program for in house integrated solution. Accounting,
Bill of Material, Production Orders, MRP and integrated Point of Sale with e-Commerce.
The application resides on our web server and can be accessed by business subscribers and their customers from anywhere at anytime
via their web browser.
The accounting features include:
- General Ledger
- Purchasing and Sales Order Management
- Inventory Control and Production Management
- Bill of Material for Product Design and Costing/Pricing
- Time-phased, "Just-in-time" Material Ordering
- Check Book Functions and Reporting on Financial Position
The e-commerce features fully integrate with the entire accounting system.
- Shopping cart and real-time order placement
- Order status reviewing
- Dynamic e-store generation (Changes to product description and pricing immediately
reflect on the subscriber's web site)
Some of the benefits our subscribers receive include:
- Centralized data, accessed fron anywhere at any time.
- The system can be easily maintained by non-technical users.
- Icreased sales and improved customer service through e-commerce.
- Imroved efficiency by giving customers self service access.
- Offsite data storage with reduced overhead of incompatible programs.
- Web-generated sales and web-based management.